Buffyverse Vids
Please download vids and save on your own computer. Please do not steal
bandwidth or clips. Feel free to link to this page, but do not post elsewhere without the permission of elcazavampiros
or crazydiamondsue.
Something There
Pairing: Buffy/Spike Genre: Humor, Romance Format:.wmv Length:
2:16 Size: 12.2 MB Summary: Buffy and Spike each confide
in Dawn about their feelings.
Does This Make Me...?
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Genre: Humor, Slash
Format:.wmv Length: 3:05 Size: 18.03 MB Summary:
Pool + beer + Spike/Xander - slash ensues. Freakage soon follows.
Scooby Hair Created by: elcazavampiros Music
from: Hair - The Motion Picture Soundtrack Characters: Ensemble Format:.wmv Length: 2:41
Size: 17.32 MB Summary: A look at the changing hair styles of the Scoobies. (Beware the puns)
DOWNLOAD: Scooby Hair
Lawyers in Love
Genre: Episodic: AtS "Habeas Corpses"
Characters: Connor, Lilah, A.I. Team
Format:.wmv Length: 3:19
Size: 8.09 MB Summary: Inspired by this post by tkp. AtS filtered through 80s cynicism.
Impossible Mission Music
from: Theme to Mission Impossible - The Cincinnati Pops Orchestra Characters: BtVS Ensemble Format:.wmv
Length: 1:32 Size: 8.62 MB Summary: Episodic for "Choices"
DOWNLOAD: Impossible Mission
Leave It To Lindsey Music from: Theme to Leave It To Beaver (The Toy Parade) Characters:
Lindsey, Gunn, Angel, Spike Format:.wmv Length: 1:45 Size: 6.13 MB Summary: Episodic
for "Underneath"
DOWNLOAD: Leave It To Lindsey
Deeper Well Music: "Deeper Well" by Emmylou Harris Characters: AtS Ensemble
Format:.wmv Length: 3:10 Size: 13.85 MB Summary: Angel searches for meaning in
his life.
DOWNLOAD: Deeper Well
Other Fandoms
Battlestar Galactica
Whipped Music: "Whipping Post" by The Allman Brothers Band FandomBattlestar
Galactica Characters: Lee/Kara Format:.wmv Length: 3:11 Size: 13.09 MB Summary:
The ups and downs of Lee Adama and Kara Thrace's relationship
Insane in the Hive Brain Music: "Boom Boom Ain't It Great to be Crazy" by The Treehouse Kids Fandoms:
ST:TNG, BtVS, Smallville, SGA Characters: William Riker, Buffy Summers, Clark Kent, Elizabeth Weir Format:.wmv
Length: 3:26 Size: 13.14 MB Summary: We're all crazy! A humorous tribute to genre TV's love
of the "I'm not crazy!" storyline. Whether it's (pick one) nanites, Glarghle Guhl Kashma'nik demons, escapees from The Phantom
Zone, or aliens from Tilonus causing you to doubt the reality of your (pick one) Stargate, Hellmouth, planet Krypton or Starship
Enterprise - I think you'll find the themes familiar.
DOWNLOAD: Insane in the Hive Brain
Send comments to elcazavampiros or crazydiamondsue

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series are the intellectual property of FOX, Mutant
Enemy, and Joss Whedon. Fan fiction on this site is written for fun, NOT FOR PROFIT. No copyright infringement is intended.