Fanfic by elcazavampiros

icon by tabaqui |
PG overall R- part 6
A character study of Anya in her own words.
Anya has to make a life or death decision.
Setting: Season 7 BtVS "Chosen"
Rating: PG
Pairing: Xander/Anya Rating: PG Written for: Music of Pain ficathon
influenced by the Statler Brothers’ Flowers on the Wall Notes: Season 6. Set during the end of Hell’s
Bells, Normal Again and the beginning of Entropy. Thanks to crazydiamondsue for the beta. Song lyrics within the story.
Rating: PG Written for scoobiesinspace Notes: Anya in the Deep Space Nine 'verse. Snarky, multiple mentions of slash. Summary: Anya must fix
a vengeance spell gone wrong. Thanks to: crazydiamondsue for the beta.
Anya, D'Hoffryn and Cecily/Halfrek Rating: PG Written for: Scottish ficathon.
Setting: Scotland 1883
Thanks to crazydiamondsue for the beta.

Pairing: Buffy/Angel Xander/Angel Notes: This is a take off of the
musical Les Miserables by Alain Boubil and Claude Michel Schönberg based on the novel by Victor Hugo. Timeline:
Like the novel Les Miserables, this story takes place over many years. It begins in the 1970's and ends post-Chosen.
